Scanning Electron Microscopy Evaluation of the Efficiency of Three Newer Irrigation Needles on Debris Removal from Root Canal Wall: An Ex Vivo Study


The purpose of this ex vivo study was to investigate the effect of three newer irrigation needles on debris removal from root canal wall with and without passive ultrasonic irrigation under scanning electron microscope. 64 intact mandibular first premolars were used in this study. The teeth were divided into two groups 32 each. Group I: irrigation combined with passive ultrasonic irrigation group II: irrigation without passive ultrasonic irrigation. A: Conventional syringe needle. B: NaviTip-FX, C: Max-I Probe, D: Endo-Eze. Crowns were decoronated root length was standardized to 15mm. Irrigants used was 3% sodium hypochlorite with 17% EDTA as a lubricant and final irrigant was saline solution. Root canal were instrumented apically till 25 K file followed by protaper rotary instrument till size F2 then teeth were grooved with the help of flexible diamond disc, split with chisel and mallet. The split half of the tooth in which apex was most visible was used for SEM evaluation. The results showed that in Group I Max-I Probe needle revealed most effective cleanliness of the canal in apical 1/3rd, followed by Navitip FX in coronal, middle and apical 1/3rd, Endo-eze in middle and coronal and least effective was syringe needle. Group II: Navitip FX needle revealed most effective cleanliness of the canal in coronal and middle 1/3rd , whereas in apical 1/3rd Max I Probe was effective in cleanliness of the canal followed by Endo Eze and least effective was syringe needle. CONCLUSION: Under the limitations of the present study it can be concluded that: 1. All three newer irrigation needles have been found to be effective in cleaning the root canal walls. 2. Canal cleanliness with newer irrigation needles and also syringe needle at various levels was effective with passive ultrasonic irrigation.(than without passive ultrasonic irrigation). 3. Among the three irrigation needles at coronal third, most effective was NaviTip-FX, at middle third NaviTip-FX and at apical third Max - I Probe. This suggests that to ensure through debris removal of the canal it may be prudent to use Max I Probe combined with passive ultrasonic irrigation during cleaning and shaping procedures

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