

大阪外国語大学Osaka University of Foreign Studiesオノマトペの音韻構造については従来,辞典に掲載された一般に認知度の高い語彙を対象とした分析が主になされてきたが,その一方でオノマトペが新たに作り出される際の文法性-すなわちオノマトペの生成的側面に働く音韻原理の探究に関しては研究が希薄であった。本稿では,漫画表現に用いられる部分反復オノマトペの構造を分析することで,新たな形式が作り出される際に起こる音韻構造の性質について考察する。漫画には既存の形式の枠に収まりきらない新奇な語形が豊富に現れるが,それらの中には規則的かつ生産的な音韻構造を反映した形式も決して少なくない。本研究では新造語幹の第一音節の構造に着目し,これまでの音韻理論研究においてその無標性が指摘されている舌頂子音ならびに母音/u/が,この音節を構成する要素として現れやすいことを定量的見地から明らかにする。また,舌頂子音と母音の組み合わせに日本語の拍体系の特質を背景とした相補的な分布が見出されることを論じる。This paper aims to examine the phonological structure of mimetic forms that appear in Japanese cartoons, and show that unmarked segments such as the coronal consonants /d, z/ and the default vowel /u/ tend to be constituents of the first syllable of newly created mimetic stems. Phonological patterns of the newly created mimetics are usually considered to have peculiar characteristics in comparison with those of existing mimetic forms, and in fact many unusual phonotactics can be found in the newly created mimetics. However, a closer examination of segmental distribution in neologisms reveals that it is not always the case and that the phonological structure of mimetic neologisms has fewer peculiar, but more general properties than previously supposed. In this paper we will attempt to capture the phonological properties of such novel mimetics, mainly focusing on the phonological structure of the first CV syllable of the stem. On the basis of our statistical analyses, it will be demonstrated that /u/ tends to appear as a default nucleus of the first syllable when the coronal /z/, which occupies an unmarked place, appears at the onset. In addition to this interesting segmental unmarkedness, our quantitative analysis shows that /o/ is much more likely to appear in the nucleus position than /u/ when the onset consonant is /d/. It turns out that /o/ mimics another default value of the vowel in the first syllable, and that the complementary distribution of the two default vowels is controlled by a phonotactic restriction of Japanese which also plays a role in more general phonological processes such as epenthesis in loanword formation

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