Applications of Gestalt Therapy in Deafness Rehabilitation Counseling


Techniques used in Gestalt therapy can be applied to working with clients who are deaf in a rehabilitation counseling setting. Gestalt therapy focuses on the whole person, encouraging the assessment of both assets and liabilities. Such a focus avoids the emphasis of disability exclusively. This approach teaches awareness, utilizing the client-therapist relationship and dialogue as tools in the counseling process. The importance of dialogue in the process is emphasized to maximize client involvement. The theory is phenomenological and emphasizes individuality, a focus that discourages the drawing of stereotypes regarding people who are deaf. Acknowledged is the need for individual consideration foreach unique situation in counseling. Awareness is central to the therapy, as is encouraging autonomy and self-acceptance, common issues for clients in rehabilitation. The here-and-now focus of Gestalt therapy promotes increased awareness and responsibility necessary for personal development. Gestalt therapy makes use of a wide range of techniques that are applicable to working with people who are deaf seeking rehabilitation counseling services

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