Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) was used to predict corrosion behaviour of metallic Cultural Heritage assets in two monitoring campaigns: 1) an iron bar chain exposed indoor from over 500 years in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Amiens (France); and 2) a large weathering steel sculpture exposed outdoor from tens of years in Ferrara (Italy). The EIS portable instrument employed was battery operated. In situ EIS measurements on the iron chain could be used to investigate the phenomena involved in the electrochemical interfaces among various corrosion products and assess and predict their corrosion behaviour in different areas of the Cathedral. Meanwhile, the sculpture of weathering steel, like most outdoor artefacts, showed rust layers of different chemical composition and colour depending on the orientation of metal plates. The EIS monitoring campaign was carried out on different areas of the artefact surface, allowing assessment of their protective effectiveness. Results of EIS measurements evidenced how employing a simple test that could be performed in situ without damaging the artefacts surface is possible to quickly gain knowledge of the conservation state of an artefact and highlight potential danger conditions