Leptis Magna: “a heritage in war uniform” to be protected


As stated by former Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova, "the heritage protection is the best way to create resilience in society, to recognize the past, but also to look to the future, as it is closely linked to the concept of identity. Without respect for the identity of peoples, it is not possible to achieve peace or reconciliation or even hope for the future". This important warning that appeals to culture as an instrument of cohesion, leads us to reflect on the theme of preservation of cultural and historical heritage in war zones and - more generally - towards the protection of endangered cultural heritage. Currently, more than 50 UNESCO sites are included in the list of the heritage of humanity at risk, of which more than half due to wars and ruthless interests of terrorist networks. In 2016 the UNESCO commission has included in this list the ancient city of Leptis Magna, along with four other important sites in Libya, due to the massive damage caused by the civil wars that followed the fall of Gaddafi (in 2011) and due to threats that still weigh on these settlements. Result of a particularly fertile historical sedimentation, Leptis Magna remains an exceptional archaeological site for wealth and diversity. We cannot interrupt scientific research focused on this important heritage; everything that can be carried out in terms of documentation, cataloging, survey, restitution, can be used to compensate the injured assets and restore their identity when the conflicts will be over. All this, in respect and in favor of the broader "peace building" process supported by UNESCO

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