Educational Approach to Resolving the Dilemma of an Emerging Generation of Stigmatized, Unwelcomed Citizens: Nigerian Experience


The paper attempts to provide answers to the question; what could be the possible educational approach to resolving the dilemma of integrating an emerging generation of stigmatized and unwelcomed citizens into the Nigerian society.  These citizens are the children who emerged out of the forced sexual relationship which Boko Haram fighters had with women and girls they captured.  To solve the problem of the study, an instrument was designed and subjected to a test and re-test method of affirming reliability of instrument and a result of 6.98 was obtained which indicates its being reliable.  One hundred and twenty citizens were randomly selected in Ogbomoso city to serve as respondents and their responses were subjected to statistical analysis; the mean scores were used to rank responses. Results show respondents believe that these group of children needs prayers most; this result has a mean score of 3.37; but they also constitute danger to society, a response that had 3.33 mean score.  The biggest challenge which these children may be exposed to is the fear by society that they will take after their father-murderers and become stigmatized. Both items had 3.50 and 3.47 mean scores respectively.  With regard to the challenges that these children and their mothers can pose to the society; unlearning their bitter experiences and assisting them to heal their wounds of molestation had the highest mean scores.  The items scored 3.83 and 3.67 respectively. The paper recommends a programme of Identification and record keeping of Boko Haram children; development of an education curriculum for persons that emerged in circumstances peculiar with Boko Haram experiences; monitoring and mentoring for the children and their mothers. Keywords: Educational approach, Resolving, Dilemma, Emerging Generation, Stigmatized Unwelcomed Citizens.

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