What perceived practices of teachers contribute to students’ mathematics learning and achievement at the SHS level? A Case study in the Central region of Ghana


This study examines the importance of Senior High School level mathematics to the development of a country. It would not be enough for a country to just believe that mathematics is important until a substantial amount of the subject content have been successfully imparted into a country’s schooling citizens. This has made students’ mathematics achievement an issue of concern to many countries of today including Ghana. These concerns have necessitated this research to investigate what should be done by educational institutions to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics. Various outcomes and contributions made in the past regarding teachers endeavors have been provided to students to learn and achieve in mathematics have been reviewed in this study to inform readers of what have existed already. While some reviewed works criticized methods used in teaching mathematics and also condemned shorter instructional periods for the teaching and learning of mathematics, others made suggestions and recommendations that would help improve achievement in the subject. This work employed both quantitative and qualitative methods. The analysis revealed that majority of SHS mathematics teachers perceives the following professional activities to be influential to SHS students’ mathematics development: Assigning mathematics homework and reviewing the given homework, encouraging learners to work in groups, engaging the whole class in discussion, using additional mathematics textbooks as instructional tools, taking students' prior understanding into account when planning a lesson and motivating student to practice mathematics on their ow

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