Redescription of the skull of Dacquemys Williams, 1954, a podocnemidid side-necked turtle from the late Eocene of Egypt. American Museum novitates ; no. 3372


16 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 14-16).The known material of the side-necked turtle Dacquemys paleomorpha Williams, 1954, consists of the type skull and a new skull from the late Eocene of Egypt. Dacquemys is reaffirmed as a member of the Podocnemididae because of its well-developed cavum pterygoideus. Within the Podocnemididae Dacquemys uniquely possesses a fully roofed temporal region produced by a posteriorly extensive parietal and wide supraoccipital, a very wide interorbital area, and two accessory maxillary ridges meeting anteriorly to form an enclosed trough

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