

 When we memorize a story, new information and old, established knowledge are integrated to organized the story. Even if the new information is organized with the schema as a tag, the information will be lost in a short time if it is not associated with the schema. The text will be kept in the memory with little modification of the contents when the text is associated with the knowledge of the story. However, if the text does not fully fit the knowledge of the story, the recalled text will be different because new information and old knowledge will be integrated.  In the present study, the effect of the title upon the organization of information was examined by comparing immediately recalled text and delayed recalled text produced by different subjects. This effect was also examined by comparing immediate recalled text and delayed recalled text within the same subjects.  The study was designed with two stages. First, the degree of consistency between the title and the text was determined. Then, the following hypotheses were tested. Hypothesis 1. The memory of the units which fit the text (HU) will be retained and the memory of the units which do not fit the text (LU) will be distorted because information is organized in accordance with title.Hypothesis 2. Information which is immediately recalled will be kept in momory in the way it is presently organized until the delayed recall occurs. Method 1. Subjects  Seventy-three collage students were divided into the following groups: Text-correction group (21subjects) ; Delayed-recali group (28 subjects) ; and Immediate- / Delayed- recall group (24 subjects). 2. Stimulous text  The stimulous text consisted of 5 sentences. The sentences included, the common factors of the story of"Kaguyahime"and*Cinderella\u27\u27so that the subjects could associate the text with either "Kaguyahime" or "Cinderella" when they read it. The text was read in a female recorded on audio tape. The duration of the recorded text was 38 seconds. 3. Procedure  Text-correction group: Subjects were presented the stimulous text with the title "kaguyahime" or "Cinderella". The subjects were asked to correct the sentences of the text so that the text will be more appropriate for the given title.  The delayed-recali group: The title "kaguyahime"was given to 13 subjects, while the titIe"CmdereHa"was given to 11 subjects. All the subjects were asked to recall and write the text 24 hours after they listened to the tape.  Immediate- / Delayed- recall group: The title "kaguyahime" was given to 13 subjects and the title "Cinderella" was given to 15 subjects. All the subjects were asked to recall and write it immediately after and also 24 hours after they listened to the tape. The text was divided into 28 units according to the meaning. Each units was assigned to one of the four categories: Correspondance; Ommision; Synonymity ; or Affected by the title. Results and Discussion 1. Consistency with the title: A unit was considered as a LU if more than 5 out of 21 subjects found it modified. Six units of K and 5 units of C were LU. Other units were considered as HUs. 2. Figure 1 and the figure 2 shows the modification style of the immediate-recall and the delayed recall of LU and HU. A greater correspondence between text and title was observed for HU in both the immediate recall and in the delayed recall conditions. No differences were found between two titles. Ommisions were found more in the immediate recall condition in the case of K. No differences were found between the immediate-recall and the delayed-recall. Synonymities were seen in the delayed -recall condition with the title C in LU. Affected-by-the-title appeared more frequently in the delayed-recall condition with the title K in LU. Overall, Ommisions, Synonymityies, Affected-by-the-title were likely to occur in LU. The results supported the Hypothesis 1. 3. The results of the delayed-recall after the immediate-recall are shown in the figure 3 and figure 4. When the immediately recalled text was exactly the same as the delayed one, or ommited from both, it was considered to be consistent. The occurance of consistent units were 70% in both K and C. The consistancy of the correspondence was high in HU with the title C. The consistency of ommisions occured at a high rate in LU with the title K. The results indicated that the immediate recall functioned as a form of rehersal and that the effect of this rehersal remained after 24 hours. Thus, Hypothesis 2 was supported

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