Nonplanar Geometry in Multi-Component Dust-Ion-Acoustic Shock Waves for Adiabatic Dusty Plasma


The modified Burgers’ equation of nonlinear propagation of Dust-Ion Acoustic Shock Waves (DIASWs) for multicomponent unmagnetized dusty plasma consisting of adiabatic ion fluid, Boltzmann distributed electrons and positrons and static negatively charged dust fluid has been derived using the standard reductive perturbation method. The solution of modified Burgers’ equation in nonplanar geometry is numerically analyzed and it has been found that, the nonplanar geometry effects have a very significant role in the formation of shock waves. Further more; it is found that the planar geometry shock structure with higher amplitude is the strongest, followed by cylindrical and spherical shock waves amplitudes respectively. It is also observed that; an increase in positron concentration decreases the amplitude of the DIASWs. Keywords: Nonplanar Geometry multicomponent, Dust- ion-Acoustic Shocks Adiabatic Dusty Plasm

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