Effect of Effective Microbes (EM) Bokashi Supplementation on Weight Gain Performance of Yearling Bucks of Woito Guji Goat Breeds Fed Natural Hay as Basal Diet


The experiment was conducted in Jinka agricultural research center on-station to determine the effect of different level of effective microbe Bokashi inclusion as supplement on weight gain performance of yearling woito-Guji bucks fed natural grass hay as basal diet. Twenty yearling bucks and with body weight of 13.72 ± 1.74 kg were used in the study. Experimental animals were purchased from local markets namely Qaqo and Benata on two consecutive marketing days and brought to the research center compounded where they stayed in quarantine for two weeks for the purpose of acclimatization. Vaccination and treatment against disease and internal parasite was given for all bucks soon after arrival to quarantine. The experimental design completely randomized block design. Five yearling bucks were randomly assigned to each dietary treatment that consisted of ad libitum local grass hay + no EM-bokashi supplement (T1), and supplementation of effective microbe bokashi at the level of 1% (T2), 3% (T3), and 5% (T4) of total ration as feed basis. Each treatment group has received 200g of wheat bran per day/experimental animal. Highest weight gain was obtained at (P < 0.05) with 5% effective microbe bokashi as compared to 3 %, 1% and that of control. However, live weight gain at 1% effective microbe Bokashi inclusion was not significantly different (P < 0.05) from that of the control. From the result of this study, it can be concluded that using 5 % EM-bokashi supplementation could bring better body weight gain and resistance to disease and parasites of yearling bucks fed on low protein diet. Hence, increase total profit of the enterprise. But, it can be recommended that this study need to be conducted with broad range of level of effective microbe bokashi supplementation to know the optimum profitable inclusion level of effective microbe Bokashi. Keywords: - Effective Microbes, Weight gain, low protein diet, Woito Guji breed

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