
Weyl group, CP and the kink-like field configurations in the effective SU(3) gauge theory


Effective Lagrangian for pure Yang-Mills gauge fields invariant under the standard space-time and local gauge SU(3) transformations is considered. It is demonstrated that a set of twelve degenerated minima exists as soon as a nonzero gluon condensate is postulated. The minima are connected to each other by the parity transformations and Weyl group transformations associated with the color su(3) algebra. The presence of degenerated discrete minima in the effective potential leads to the solutions of the effective Euclidean equations of motion in the form of the kink-like gauge field configurations interpolating between different minima. Spectrum of charged scalar field in the kink background is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, added references for sections 1 and

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