The Reconstruction of China's Regional Economic Pattern under the Background of "The Belt and Road" Strategy


The excessive development structure between China regions is generated in the process of industrialization and urbanization, and it is concentrated in an unequal spatial structure. The strategic concept of "The Belt and Road" provides an opportunity for the coordinated development of China's regional economy. On the one hand, it helps to promote economic transformation and upgrading in eastern China. On the other hand, it is helpful to realize the rising of central China and the opening of the western border zone, and optimize the regional development pattern. In this study, we propose that the regional coordination should be established by using "The Belt and Road" strategy. First of all, building a multi-center urban network to stimulate the economic development in the central and western regions; secondly, balancing the interests of different regions with a multi-level regional coordination mechanism and finally, forming a new pattern of coordinated regional development with institutionalized regional ecosystems. Keywords: The Belt and Road, regional imbalance, multi-center, regional coordination mechanism, institutio

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