Predictors of volunteerism: A study of older adults in Japan


Volunteerism has risen steadily as a viable activity at old age in Japan for it gives older adults ways to contribute to society as well as enhancing their quality of life. It has also been addressed by the national government and adopted by many local municipalities under the long-term care insurance program as a health promotion and preventive care activity. However, studies examining why older adults volunteer and why some don’t are limited. Using a modified version of Baltes and colleagues’ model of competence, this study examines the predictors of volunteerism among older adults in Japan. Data from a city located northeast of Tokyo was used (n=703). Results indicated that basic competence does not predict volunteerism, but rather competence gained from experiences. To increase the number of older volunteers, the study suggests that civic engagement must start at an earlier age coupled with financial stability. Keywords: volunteerism, older adults, Japan, competence, long-term care insuranc

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