New-type of Multi-purpose Standard Radon Chamber in South Korea


Radon is an inert and a radioactive gas which is colorless, tasteless and odorless. As the radon decay proceeds, and if DNA damage continues beyond repair capacity of cells in the human body, it can cause severe health problems such as lung cancer in the long-term. There is a tendency that those countries where legal restriction on radon is strict, various studies related to radon are under way. In South Korea, radon has been regulated under recommendation level. Even though there are about 3 standard radon chambers in Korea, they have not been in an active use because of lack of demand. Also, most of them are specialized in calibration of radon detectors only. Recently, Korean government started giving some attention to radon issue and supporting radon research fields. Thus, this study was carried out to develop a new type of radon chamber for multi-purpose such as 1) radon emission rate from natural and artificial radon sources; 2) calibration of radon detectors; 3) evaluation of radon mitigation efficiency. Keywords: Radon, Radon Chamber, Indoor Air Quality, Chamber Desig

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