Brain Drain Phenomenon in Western Balkan Countries with Special Emphasis in Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania


The main aim of this paper is to investigate the causes and consequences of the brain – drain phenomenon in Western Balkan Countries with special emphasis in Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania. Brain Drain phenomenon has begin  to be overwhelming due to the fears of migration of the young and educated workforce  as the youth do not see prospects in the countries of origin. Due the lack of data we try to represent only the problems that may cause the phenomenon of the “brain – drain”, in the countries that are taking into consideration We go through analysis of some main indicators such us:(i) high unemployment rate for degree holders (ii) skilled mismatch in labor market, (iv) luck of opportunity for career advancement, (v) salaries. Regarding the review of related literature and our statistical analysis we came in conclusion that the ambitious expectations of students for the future necessarily require re-thinking of the current choice. This implies at the same time the demand for the development of quality education and professional training geared to the socio-economic needs of the country. Thus, the well educated workforce will contribute in the country of origin. Key Words: brain drain, unemployment, standard of living, labor marke

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