Mapping the Conceptual Field: Notions of the History Syllabus and Textbook from the Teachers’ Perspectives


The Ghanaian High School history syllabus particularly is less explored by teacher practitioner in the field of history. The few researches carved on the teaching of history in the country have focus extensively on methods of teaching, students and teachers viewpoint of the subject at the neglect of what teachers themselves tell of the subject and the syllabus designed by Curriculum Research and Development Division. This research is novel in the context of the country. Using the interpretive phenomenological case study approach, the study interviewed eight history teachers who participated in the study on their volition. Results from the analysed transcript revealed that History teachers have negative perception about the SHS history syllabus. The study also established that the SHS government history textbook is not adequate to be used in teaching History. Finally, the study established that the history syllabus is in tandem with the history textbook utilised by teachers. Based on the finding, it is recommended that school authorities provide continuous training to history teachers on the proper use of the syllabus in order to change their erroneous perception about the syllabus. The ministry of education should revise and update the government history textbook with more information. Besides, the ministry of education should try and recommend other relevant history textbooks for the history teachers.  Again, the ministry of education should ensure that revisions made in the history syllabus should be reflected in the government history textbook. Keywords: History, Syllabus, Textboo

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