An Appraisal of the Open and Distance Learning Programme in Nigeria


The inability of qualified candidates to get a space in the conventional universities in Nigerian, calls for a strengthening of Open and Distance Learning programme to take in more prospective undergraduates.  This paper exposes the limitation on the number of spaces in the universities which imposes restrictions on access to conventional universities as only a ridiculous percentage of those applying for admission succeed in securing placement. This problem of unfulfilled quest for education versus actual supply of educational services contributed to the acceptance, growth, and implementation of distance education programme in Nigeria as a means to bridge the gap between demand and supply In essence, the emergence of the system of ODL is an inevitable and unparalleled advancement in the history of educational development locally and internationally. Unfortunately, ODL is still bedevilled with a number of teething problems which are a clog in the wheel of implementation. It was recommended that the Nigerian government should thus subsidise ODL programmes just like the conventional school system and improve electricity supplies to the nation

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