Uncertainty and Teachers’ Organizational Commitment in Egyptian Public Schools


Ranging from daily to strategic decisions, uncertainty is an integral part of the decision making process in all schools. Regardless of their experience, teachers are suffering from the lack of information and unpredictable future events that their schools face. Given the fact that Egypt has tried to use education as a mechanism for attaining economic soundness and organizational effectiveness, the present study explores the effect of the different types of uncertainty (strategic, structural, and job-related) on teachers’ organizational commitment approaches (affective, continuance, and normative).Upon collecting 150 out of 200 distributed questionnaire sets, the researchers used correlation and regression to test the hypotheses. The analysis of the collected data showed a negative correlation between uncertainty types (strategic, structural, and job-related) and two approaches of organizational commitment (affective and continuance). No relationship was found between uncertainty types and teachers’ normative commitment. Keywords: uncertainty; strategic uncertainty; structural uncertainty; job- related uncertainty; organizational commitment; Egyp

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