Corporate Image and Organizational Performance of State Owned Enterprises Monitored by Privatization Unit (PU) Uganda


This study was carried out to establish whether corporate image has any influence on organizational performance in state-owned enterprises in Uganda. This was consider relevant as a study area after a realization that state-owned enterprises operate with huge backing from the state unlike the privately owned enterprises. This prompted to ask the big question of whether corporate image has any impact on the overall performance of these entities. A cross sectional research design was adopted for the study. The unit of analysis considered was an entity. The entities were divided into four groups in relation to the industry. Out of a population of 140 firms, 104 were selected to form a sample. All the 103 firms successfully responded representing 100% response rate. In the analysis phase, Correlation and Regression Analyses were used. Findings indicated that Corporate Image of state-owned enterprises has a significant influence on the organizational performance (Sig=0.000; Sig < 0.01; ? = 0.337). Basing on this finding, it has been recommended that the state-owned companies stop counting on the backing of the state and start working on their image so that they can get a wider acceptance in the Ugandan Market. Keywords: Corporate image, Organizational performance, State-owned enterprise

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