1975 Drought responses of wheat cultivars - environment responses of subterranean clover.


Environment responses of subterranean clover. Aim - To clarify the responses of four cultivars to temperature, vernalisation and photoperiod. Method - Dinninup, Midland B, Geraldton and Blackwood sub clover was grown in phytotron cabinets under 14 hour and 10 hour photoperiods and temperatures 10°c day/5°c night, l5/l0°c, 20/l5°C, 25/20°c. A seed vernalisation treatment of 6 weeks refrigeration of swelled seed was included. Dissections were made to observe first floral initiation and first flower production was noted. Conclusions - Higher temperatures either had no effect or delayed floral initiation, but accelerated flower development greatly from initiation to anthesis. Photoperiod and vernalisation responses were in floral initiation with little evidence of subsequent effects

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