Soil acidity survey. Lime responses in the central wheatbelt


Introduction: In 1984 a project commenced to examine the influence of soil acidity on barley production in the main barley growing areas of Western Australia. To carry out some of the projects objectives a soil survey was carried out. Aims: 1. To select nine sites for liming trials in 1985. 2. To obtain more information about the soil acidity problem in the medium rainfall region of W.A. 3. To determine if there is a relationship between the pH and aluminium content of the soil. Survey details: Area covered - Katanning and Narrogin District Office (DO) areas. Sampling period - Mid August to mid October, 1984. Method - The sites were chosen by using the CSBP data base. Paddocks which had a pH (in water) below 5.5 were selected as being possible sites for liming trials. Lime responses in the central wheatbelt - 83NO45 - Beverley, 83NO46 - York

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