

FutureProjections hr2010 is a spatial layer that distinguishes 32 ha cells in Michigan, USA as nonsuitable (0), low suitability (1), moderate suitability (2), and high suitability (3) habitat for Kirtland's warbler in 2010. The layer was derived from hs2010, where 25% of suitable habitat cells were randomly selected and their habitat suitability values were reduced by 1 suitability class. The layer can be used as an input file for the Spatial Data subprogram in program RAMAS GIS. hs2010 is a spatial layer that distinguishes 32 ha cells in Michigan, USA as nonsuitable (0), low suitability (1), moderate suitability (2), and high suitability (3) habitat for Kirtland's warbler in 2010. The layer can be used as an input file for the Spatial Data subprogram in program RAMAS GIS. nc2010 is a spatial layer used to assess the impacts of elimination of the cowbird trapping program on Kirtland's warbler population dynamics, assuming a 57% reduction in productivity. The layer can be used as an input file for the Spatial Data subprogram in program RAMAS GIS. nc2010_41 is a spatial layer used to assess the impacts of elimination of the cowbird trapping program on Kirtland's warbler population dynamics, assuming a 41% reduction in productivity. The layer can be used as an input file for the Spatial Data subprogram in program RAMAS GIS. rc2010 is a spatial layer used to assess the impacts of spatially-restricted cowbird trapping to the core breeding area on Kirtland's warbler population dynamics, assuming a 57% reduction in productivity in satellite breeding patches in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA. The layer can be used as an input file for the Spatial Data subprogram in program RAMAS GIS. rc2010_41 is a spatial layer used to assess the impacts of spatially-restricted cowbird trapping to the core breeding area on Kirtland's warbler population dynamics, assuming a 41% reduction in productivity in satellite breeding patches in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA. The layer can be used as an input file for the Spatial Data subprogram in program RAMAS GIS. FutureProjections -> RandomizedPrecipitation a1-a50, b1-b50, c1-c50, d1-d50, and e1-e50 are spatial layers that contain randomly generated total March precipitation values in cells that contain suitable habitat for Kirtland's warbler. The values were generated based on the lower 90th percentile of the historical precipitation distribution recorded at the Nassau NOAA station (Bahamas) between 1994 and 2013. The layers can be used as input files for the Spatial Data subprogram in program RAMAS GIS

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