Propter Absolutionem: Holy Absolution in the Theology of Martin Luther and Philipp Jacob Spener A Comparative Study


The approach to Luther\u27s theological development which will be taken here is a chronological one. This is in no small part due to the character of Luther\u27s writings themselves, many of which are occasional in nature and therefore inherently reflect Luther\u27s theological development. It is therefore imperative that the time of writing and the occasion of a quotation must always be taken into account. What becomes evident in following such a chronological approach is that we are then learning him all the way through and may be kept from selecting pieces which fit into a preconceived pattern. Indeed, any such foreshortened attempt at presenting Luther as definitive wherever and whenever he uttered a statement regarding Holy Absolution ultimately leads to the creation of a theology of the author writing about Luther, but scarcely a theology of Lutheranism. Here the attempt will be made to trace Luther’s thought as it develops on the basis of whole documents rather than individual statements in isolation, finally noting when a line of development actually comes to full fruition. This study will also be done with respect for the major phases in the reformer\u27s work, spanning the years 1514 - 1537. Luther\u27s early years as a professor of theology to the Diet of Worms will be examined extensively, since this was clearly the most fluid and formative period in Luther’s theological development; the next period sees Luther apply his reformational discovery to the ordering and defining of Holy Absolution in the church. This will also include the controversy at Nuremberg which sprang from Osiander\u27s desire to abolish general confession, and will culminate with Luther\u27s own confession of Holy Absolution in the Smalcald Articles. The procedure which will first be followed will provide the historical context of Luther’s thought on the subject of absolution and will secondly provide an examination of the major documents in each period outlined above along with a summary analysis of the isolated references made by Luther in various writings which deal with absolution that are contemporaneous

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