The efficacy of Rhinos® SR on nasal resistance and nasal symptoms in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Broj cestovnih vozila povećava se svakoga dana, a sukladno tome povećava se i potrošnja pogonskih goriva. Poznato je kako je izgaranje pogonskih goriva jedan od glavnih uzročnika efekta staklenika te općenito onečišćenja okoliša. Razvojem cestovnih vozila su se postupno razvijale i ideje o ekološkoj svijesti te sukladno tome i ideje o upotrebi ekološki prihvatljivijih pogona i pogonskih goriva. Glavna svrha ovog završnog rada je kroz analizu i usporedbu utjecaja na okoliš konvencionalnih i alternativnih goriva za pogon vozila prikazati prednosti i nedostatke svih goriva. Pomoću podataka iz prakse te rezultata računa za emisije CO2 svakog goriva pojedinačno, načinjen je redoslijed najviše, odnosno najmanje pogodnih pogona i pogonskih goriva za korištenje u svrhu očuvanja okoliša.The number of road vehicles increases daily in accordance with the enhancement of the fuel consumption. It is clear that the fuel combustion represents one of the main causes for the greenhouse effect and environmental pollution generally. Development of road vehicles induced the growth of ecological consciousness ideas and also the ideas for using ecologically acceptable drives and fuels. The main objective of this final assignment is to present the positive and negative sides of conventional and alternative fuels through analysis and comparison of each one individually. With the information about CO2 emissions from literature and from results of task computing, it is created order from the least favourable to the most favourable drive and fuel with the aim of environmental protection