Stilski problemi pri prevođenju različitih vrsta tekstova


This thesis comprises five annotated translations, accompanied by a discussion. Excerpts from three books were translated from English into Croatian (Adam Kay’s This Is Going to Hurt Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor, The Translation of Children's Literature: A Reader edited by Gillian Lathey, and Christopher Mellinger and Thomas Hanson's Quantitative Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting Studies), and two from Croatian into English (Antoni Cetnarowicz’s Narodni preporod u Istri (1860–1907) and Sven Popović’s Uvjerljivo drugi). The discussion focuses on the issue of style and the ways in which it affects the process of translation. Style is a complex yet integral part of any text and, in this thesis, style will be observed through the prism of the functionalist and the cognitive approach. The relationship between translator and style will be discussed in more detail, as well as his or her role in recreating the source text given the restrictions specifically linked to the difference between literary and non-literary texts.Ovaj se diplomski rad sastoji od pet prijevoda koji su popraćeni prevoditeljskim bilješkama i raspravom. S engleskoga na hrvatski jezik prevedeni su ulomci triju tekstova (This Is Going to Hurt Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor Adama Kaya, The Translation of Children's Literature: A Reader urednice Gillian Lathey i Quantitative Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting Studies Christophera Mellingera i Thomasa Hansona), dok su s hrvatskoga na engleski jezik prevedeni ulomci dvaju tekstova (Narodni preporod u Istri 1860–1907 Antonija Cetnarowicza i Uvjerljivo drugi Svena Popovića). U raspravi se iznosi problematika stila te načini na koje stil utječe na postupak prevođenja. Stil je kompleksan, ali ujedno i sastavan dio svakog teksta te će mu se u ovom radu pristupiti iz perspektive funkcionalističke i kognitivne teorije. Odnos između prevoditelja i stila će se pobliže analizirati kao i uloga prevoditelja u stvaranju novog teksta uzevši u obzir ograničenja na koja nailazi kada je riječ o književnim i neknjiževnim tekstovima

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