New County Records of \u3ci\u3eBotrychium lunarioides\u3c/i\u3e in Texas.


Recent collections of B. lunarioides in east-central Texas indicate that the species is more widespread within the state (Fig. 1). Other than for Navarro County, the new records are in the Post Oak Savannah Region of the state, with the Navarro County location classified as being within the Blackland Prairie Region or in part of an extension of the Post Oak Woods/Forest in the Blackland Prairie Region. All specimens previously cited by Thomas (1979) and Thomas et al. (1981) were from the eastern part of the Pineywoods Region. The San Augustine site is about 32 km from the state line of central Louisiana, whereas the Cass County record is approximately the same distance from southwestern Arkansas. The new locations extend the known distribution of the species from 161 to 273 km to the west. This may indicate, especially when the Oklahoma distribution is considered, that the species is to be expected in similar habitats throughout the intervening areas of the Pineywoods and Post Oak Savannah Regions of Texas

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