Marketing Source-Verified Beef to Restaurant Patrons


To determine consumer ordering behaviors in high-end restaurants and to see if consumers are interested in the origin of their beef, both an online survey and in-restaurant taste testing were conducted. About two-thirds of the participants in the in-restaurant taste testing ordered the steak with either the state or farm-of-origin description. Compared to a non-source verified steak, taste participants were willing to pay 4.74moreforthesteakwiththestate−of−origindescription,and4.74 more for the steak with the state-of-origin description, and 8.75 more for the steak with the farm-of-origin description. Almost all of the participants acknowledged the best beef comes from the Midwest, specifically naming Nebraska as a state that raises high-quality beef. These data suggest there is consumer interest in a source-verified beef product in high-end restaurants

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