A Cultural Resources Survey Of The Proposed Water And Sewer Line Project On SH-16 Helotes, Bexar County, Texas


In November 2014, LNV Engineers (CLIENT) contracted with Raba Kistner Environmental, Inc. (RKEI) to perform an intensive cultural resources survey along State Highway (SH) 16 for a proposed water and sewer line project in Helotes, Bexar County, Texas. The project occurred within the existing SH-16 Rightof Way (ROW). The purpose of this survey was to locate surface exposed or buried cultural deposits with the project area. The project is sponsored by the City of Helotes. Therefore, the proposed project falls under the Antiquities Code of Texas as administered by the Texas Historical Commission (THC). The project was carried out between November 24-26, 2014 under Texas Antiquities Committee Permit No. 7087 issued to Dr. Steve A. Tomka, who served as Principal Investigator. Mark Luzmoor served as the Project Archaeologist and Chris Murray served as the field technician. Background research carried out prior to the fieldwork revealed no known archaeological sites within or in the vicinity of the Area of Potential Effect (APE). One historical marker is present within the APE. Although there are no archaeological sites within the boundary of the APE, there are ten sites, three historical markers, and one National Register Property within a one mile radius of the project area. A total of 26 shovel tests (ST) were excavated within the APE. Due to the lack of deep soils within the APE, no backhoe trenches were excavated. No buried artifacts were encountered during shovel testing and none were noted on surface during the pedestrian survey. Since no cultural deposits were encountered, RKEI does not recommend that further archaeological investigations within the project boundaries and the proposed project can proceed as planned. All documents generated during the course of the project are permanently housed at the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory (TARL)

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