Pedagogy, Child Soldier Memoirs, and Moral Intelligence in a Post-Conflict Classroom


Edited by Barry Mowell, Sub-Saharan Africa in the Classroom is written from a variety of perspectives and addresses numerous important human and physical themes. Each chapter shares the common goal of providing educators with substantive and balanced overviews of content, as well as strategies and resources to assist in teaching about Sub-Saharan Africa. One chapter, A Child’s Safari into Sub-Saharan Africa, is written specifically for elementary classrooms, but is adaptable to middle grades as well. One chapter, Sub-Saharan Africa in Cinema, is primarily written for the post-secondary level, but also lists films and provides ideas that would be suitable for secondary students. Secondary-level educators and their students are the target audience for the majority of the book’s content, but much of that content is also adaptable to other levels. For the convenience of educators who will use the book to plan lessons and classroom activities, the contributors have incorporated the Geography for Life, National Geography Standards and specify which standards are applicable to many of the topics they discuss. The authors are from a wide range of academic disciplines in the social and natural sciences as well as teacher-education programs. Each author has impressive credentials, and have conducted research and published extensively. In addition, three chapters have authors that are originally from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa who share their special insight as insiders. It is the goal of all contributors that this volume will be of value to educators in their efforts to acclimate students to this fascinating, complex and important world region

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