Kandungan Protein Kasar dan Serat Kasar pada Bekatul Padi yang Difermentasi dengan Acidothermus cellulolyticus WPL 109 atau Aspergillus terreus WPL 209


The aim of research was to study the crude fibre and crude protein of rice bran which were fermented byAcidothermus cellulolyticus WPL 109 (A. cellulolyticusWPL 109) orAspergillus terreusWPL 209 (A.terreusWPL 209) from liquid cattle rumen. Design study was completely randomized design with five treatments and five replications. Seven treatment groups were P0:without inoculants (0%) ; P1 : A. cellulolyticus 10 % ; P2: A. cellulolyticus 20 %; P3 : A. terreus 10 % ; P4 : A. terreus 20 % ; P5 : A. terreus 20 % Proximate analysis were done after rice bran fermented for seven days. The data were analyzed with Analysis of Variance followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.The result showed that the effect of Acidothermus cellulolyticus and Aspergillus terreuswere significantly higher (p<0,05) than control on crude protein (P0: 10,94%) and crude fiber (P0: 34,06%) of rice bran. Acidothermus cellulolyticus and Aspergillus terreus were could increase crude protein on treatment P3 (14,01%), P4 (13,78%), P1 (12,85%), P2 (12,72%),and could decrease crude fiber of treatment P4 (30,14%), P1 (30,49%), P2 (30,32%), P3 (31,27%). The conclusion of this research was Acidothermus cellulolyticus WPL 109 and Aspergillus terreus WPL 209 could increase of crude protein and could decrease of rice bran fermented on dose 10% and 20%. Keywords : crude fibre, crude protein, rice bran, Acidothermus cellulolyticus, Aspergillus terreu

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