Tackling Low-level Cognitive Task Teaching in Secondary Mathematics: One pproach to Mold Pre-service Teachers’ Pre-conceived Beliefs into Best Practice


This article focuses on a secondary mathematics teacher education program where traditional field placements are prevalent in grades 9-12. Traditional, for this article, is defined as and comprised of: (a) straight-rowed desks in classrooms, (b) explicitly direct instruction (teacher-centered classrooms), (c) predominantly repetition of low-level cognitive tasks, and (d) consistent absence of technology use by students to explore mathematics concepts and problem solving. This article aims to inform readers of how one secondary mathematics teacher education program is addressing the challenges many programs currently experience in producing new teachers of best practice through advanced mathematical tasks and advanced technology use for teaching mathematics within education courses. Early evidence appears to be having effects on some pre-service teachers pre-conceived beliefs about teaching mathematics traditionally with greater anticipation for long-term sustainable change

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