Determinants and Consequences of Knowledge Sharing Among Employees in a UAE National Oil and Gas Company


This dissertation investigates the determinants and consequences of knowledge sharing among members of technical teams at a UAE national oil company. The research aims to identify some of the key factors that encourage knowledge sharing between members of the technical teams and the link between knowledge sharing and individual job performance. Drawing on earlier research, an integrated theoretical model linking the antecedents and outcomes of knowledge sharing was developed. A Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) technique was used to analyze the data collected from 357 engineers in various divisions in the largest business unit of the organization in question. Results suggest that management support, task-interdependence, individual attitude towards knowledge sharing, self-efficacy and the perceived usefulness of the knowledge itself play an important role in encouraging employees to share knowledge. Furthermore, the study suggests that knowledge sharing influences individual job performance by enhancing their innovative and task-focused organizational behaviors. This research contributes to the current literature on knowledge sharing and has done so by empirically testing the relationship between the antecedents and outcomes of knowledge sharing within new cultural and industrial contexts. Additionally, it addresses a gap in the extant literature where the focus has traditionally been on the macro-organizational outcomes of knowledge sharing, e.g. innovation, financial performance and operational efficiency, and not on micro-organizational factors such as individual job performance

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