Impact of the lack of integrated care for older people with urinary incontinence and their family caregivers: results from a qualitative pilot study in two large areas of the Marche Region


Objectives: Urinary Incontinence may have a severe impact on older people and on their family caregivers’ quality of life, especially when support services are scanty or inadequate. This study investigated the support needs and expectations of community-dwelling older people with UI and their family caregivers in the Marche Region (Central Italy).Methods: Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were carried out to eight over-60-year-old patients with UI, four family caregivers, two representatives of the Regional Health System and two pharmacists.Results: Findings show that the insufficient supply and low quality of continence products and the lack of integrated care services negatively affects the well-being of both older people and family caregivers.Discussion: Integrated care services and a standardized system for the periodic assessment of sufferers and a more customized service delivery, including the possibility of choosing brand and type of products for users, may improve the current provision in this Italian regio

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