Career Pathways to Quality Jobs in Construction, Hospitality, and Healthcare


This report provides a description of the career pathway model and a definition of a quality job. It provides a description of Boston residents, mostly women and people of color, who are potential candidates for career pathways in construction, hospitality, and healthcare. An economic and labor market analysis is conducted for each industry, which is summarized as: Construction employment has been slow to grow since 2001 and it makes up a small percentage of employment in Boston, but it provides the highest average wages of the three industries. Union membership rates are high compared to the national average, but wages for Boston residents lag behind in-commuters in several occupations. Hospitality employment has been growing steadily since 2001, but it provides the lowest average wages of the three industries. There is a significant starting wage differential for union and non-union hotel workers (approx. 11/hourversus11/hour versus 18/hour, respectively). As with construction, median wages for Boston residents lag behind in-commuters. Healthcare employment has also grown steadily since 2001 and it currently constitutes just over one-fifth of total private sector employment in the City of Boston. Union membership rates are strong and median wages for Boston residents are mostly similar when compared to in-commuters

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