
Catalytic electrophilic halogenation of silyl-protected and terminal alkynes: trapping gold(I) acetylides vs. a bronsted acid-promoted reaction


In the presence of a cationic gold(I) catalyst and N-halosuccinimide, both trimethylsilyl-protected and terminal alkynes are converted into alkynyl halides. Further experiments showed that silyl-protected alkynes undergo electrophilic iodination and bromination under Brønsted acid catalysis, whilst terminal alkynes require a cationic gold catalyst. The former reactions probably proceed via activation of the electrophile, whilst the latter reactions proceed via a gold(I) acetylide intermediate. Gold-catalysed halogenation was further combined with gold-catalysed hydration and subsequent annulation to provide convenient routes to iodomethyl ketones and five-membered aromatic heterocycles

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