The sources for investigating Laudianism and Puritanism in Essex during the 1630s
and early 1640s are especially rich, illuminating the beliefs, attitudes and actions not
only of clergymen but also of lay people from all social groups. The thesis begins
with a general chapter in which the extent and type of evidence for Laudianism and
Puritanism amongst the clergy is discussed. The reliability and accuracy of the
sources is assessed and it is demonstrated that about equal numbers of beneficed
Puritan and Laudian clergy are known to have been working in Essex at the outbreak
of the English Civil War.
Chapters two, three and four provided three individual case studies of clergy in
order to provide a fuller understanding of Laudianism and Puritanism as they
manifested themselves in the parishes of Essex. Chapter two examines the
Laudianism and career of Richard Drake. As comparisons of his beliefs with those of
other Laudians demonstrate, Drake was extremely representative of the Laudian
movement. It is shown that Drake was typical too in confining himself largely to the
company of other Laudians, and refusing in any way to accept the religious changes
of the Civil War and Interregnum. The life and works of the Puritan clergyman Henry
Greenwood, who started his career as a nonconformist but shortly before his death
embraced the Prayer Book ceremonies, are central to chapter three. The close analysis
of Greenwood's early published sermons vividly illustrate Puritan piety, painful
preaching and the uncompromising faith of those who looked only to the Bible for
guidance and authority. The examination of the tract written by Greenwood after his
'conversion' to conformity, on the other hand, provides an insight into the mindset of
those Puritans who believed in wholehearted loyalty to the Church of England.
Chapter four focuses on the life and beliefs of Nehemiah Rogers, who during a career
that stretched from 1618 to 1660 changed his opinions on a number of religious and
theological issues. Rogers began his career as a Calvinist and a moderate Puritan.
Rogers remained a Calvinist until 1640 but by 1631 he had abandoned Puritanism
become instead an enthusiastic advocate of conformity. Furthermore, during the
1630s Rogers forged close links with the Laudians William, Lord Maynard and
Robert Aylett. During the 1650s Rogers changed his views again, becoming
doctrinally Arminian and expressing admiration for the Protectorate.
Chapters five and six furnish collective studies respectively of lay attitudes
towards Laudian and Puritan ministers in Essex. From the evidence presented therein
four main conclusions are drawn. Firstly, that Laudian ministers had supporters
among the laity, and were certainly not as unpopular as John Morrill, for example, has
suggested, but were opposed by Puritan nonconformists and Prayer Book Protestants.
Secondly, that moderate Puritan clergymen also had supporters but that they faced
levels of opposition similar to those encountered by Laudian ministers. Thirdly, that
Puritan nonconformist ministers had a reasonable amount of identifiable lay support
but that, even taking into account the fact that opposition to nonconformity is difficult
to trace, were not as popular with the laity as historians such as T. W. Davids, Harold
Smith and William Hunt have implied. Finally, it is concluded that substantial
numbers of lay people from all social groups had definite, fixed opinions on religious
issues and thus that even at a parish level religious controversy did not so much
emerge during the Civil War as hold some responsibility for provoking it