The strength of cement under different conditions


Derivation of some Empirical Formulae, showing relation between breaking strength, and various functions which enter into Cement testing. We find a great deal of experimental work done in Cement testing, also some curves plotted, but there are but few equations fitted to these curves, this, then, is the object of the present work. In this work a great many interesting points have been made manifest, most of them are of no practical value but merely of interest in themselves. The work has been on several of the most important ones, to be given subsequently. On these and a few others is the foundation of Cement testing, as given by all writers on the subject. This work is entirely on the tensile strength, as that is the most important, so that all the experimental data show relations existing between breaking strength in pounds per square inch, and the other functions which may enter in the experiments --Object, pages 1 -2

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