Growing Mine Rescue Capability through Development of University Student Teams


Following a study by NIOSH on the availability of teams in the U.S. as well as existing training sites and their capabilities, the Penn State University, leaders of the Pittsburgh Section of SME, providers of mine rescue equipment, and industry sponsors united to establish and make fully functional a student mine rescue team at Penn State University. With the growth of MERD and mine rescue competitive events at Missouri S&T, the Mine Training and Technology Center in PA, and at Colorado School of Mines Edgar Mine, a critical mass of effective training venues were made available to help student teams progress and develop mine rescue skills. The challenges to be met in creating and developing a student mine rescue team will be discussed. The rewards from this type of effort will be the quick capability of graduates from mining engineering programs to be involved in not only mining operations, but industry mine rescue teams and other leadership roles as well. Copyright © 2012 by SME

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