Recently, new data on antiprotons and positrons from PAMELA, e- + e+ spectra
from ATIC, FERMI and HESS up to TeV energies all indicate deviations from
expectations, which has caused an interesting mix of new explanations, ranging
from background, standard astrophysical sources to signals from dark matter
(DM) annihilation. Unfortunately, the excess in positrons is not matched with
obvious excesses in antiprotons or gamma rays, so a new class of DM scenarios
with leptophilic WIMP candidates have been invoked. On the other hand, the
increase in the positron fraction, which could have had any spectral shape for
new physics, matches well the shape expected from proton background.Comment: Invited talk at SUSY09, the 17th International Conference on
Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Boston, 200