
Holographic Non-Fermi Liquid in a Background Magnetic Field


We study the effects of a non-zero magnetic field on a class of 2+1 dim non-Fermi liquids, recently found in 0903.2477 by considering properties of a fermionic probe in an extremal AdS^4 black hole background. Introducing a similar fermionic probe in a dyonic AdS^4 black hole geometry, we find that the effect of a magnetic field could be incorporated in a rescaling of the probe fermion's charge. From this simple fact, we observe interesting effects like gradual disappearance of the Fermi surface and quasi particle peaks at large magnetic fields and changes in other properties of the system. We also find Landau level like structures and oscillatory phenomena similar to the de Haas-van Alphen effect.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 6 figure

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