We report a numerical simulation of the rate of crystal nucleation of sodium
chloride from its melt at moderate supercooling. In this regime nucleation is
too slow to be studied with "brute-force" Molecular Dynamics simulations. The
melting temperature of ("Tosi-Fumi") NaCl is ∼1060K. We studied crystal
nucleation at T=800K and 825K. We observe that the critical nucleus formed
during the nucleation process has the crystal structure of bulk NaCl.
Interestingly, the critical nucleus is clearly faceted: the nuclei have a
cubical shape. We have computed the crystal-nucleation rate using two
completely different approaches, one based on an estimate of the rate of
diffusive crossing of the nucleation barrier, the other based on the Forward
Flux Sampling and Transition Interface Sampling (FFS-TIS) methods. We find that
the two methods yield the same result to within an order of magnitude. However,
when we compare the extrapolated simulation data with the only available
experimental results for NaCl nucleation, we observe a discrepancy of nearly 5
orders of magnitude. We discuss the possible causes for this discrepancy