The mind is the tabernacle of the consciousness soul: A journey visiting the roles of consciousness, communication, education, and technology in human and curriculum development by integrating Dewey, Gebser, and Steiner: Past, present, future


This descriptive philosophical study examines 355+ question seeds of thought and discourse on consciousness, communication, education, and technology, much in the contexts of philosophical structures of human beings from 4,000,000 B.C. hominid man to the future of humankind and genetic enhancement. Curriculum and consciousness discussion of American John Dewey (1859–1952), Polish-born Jean Gebser (1905–1975), and Austrian-born Rudolf Steiner (1865–1920) is interwoven, finding commonalities of these philosophers and that of Daniel J. K. Bardy. Language being developed only 50,000 years ago is the defining point for Homo sapiens as the tool of linguistic communication, mutated forward much like the protrusion development of the jaw line of the species to accommodate for articulation and pronunciation development. The first of four cornerstone movements in the dissertation includes finding that the truth of Rudolf Steiner\u27s Waldorf curriculum is embedded in the magical and mythical consciousness underpinnings laid out by Jean Gebser. Cornerstone number two is philosopher and rhetorician John Dewey\u27s synonymous use of education and communication and the constant battle of dualities of the current mental rational consciousness. Alison Biskup\u27s and Helen Keller\u27s mind matrixes and their connections to language learning and communication processes of hominid man are cornerstone number three. Cornerstone number four is the inter-informational level of communication and our own intrapersonal awareness that communication and education is the coming together of three layers: (a) the five stages of human consciousness—archaic, magical mythical, mental rational, and arational/integral; (b) the eight levels of communication—interpersonal, interpersonal, triad, small group, large group, one-to-many/many-to-one, global, and inter-informational; (c) the six variables of the communication process—sender, message, channel (through the six senses of taste, touch, hearing, vision, olfactory, intuit), receiver, feedback, and noise (physical/external, internal, semantic, and ethnocentric). Branching from the fourth cornerstone is a discussion on technostress and human consciousness relating real-time events to mediated communication, which manipulates real time, thus tricking our consciousness into stress and anxiety periods while waiting for the magic of technology to solve the problem

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