Book Review - Birds in Iowa


Here is a book that those who are interested in birds and their distribution in Iowa will absolutely have to possess. This volume is the successor to the book Iowa Birds, which was written by the above authors together with three others and published in 1984. It brings our understanding to the number of species of birds and their relative abundance in Iowa up-to-date. Although only twelve years elapsed between the publication of the previous volume and this one, the activity of those interested in identifying birds increased enormously during those years. In addition, their ability to identify and find rare or unusual species increased as well. One obvious result of this is that the official state list of bird species seen in the state increased in those twelve years from 362 to 398, an increase of approximately 10%! So it was clearly time for a significant update of the earlier volume Iowa Birds. Birds in Iowa does a fine job in bringing our understanding of bird distribution in Iowa up-to-date

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