The superconductor Sr4V2O6Fe2As2 with transition temperature at 37.2 K has
been fabricated. It has a layered structure with the space group of p4/nmm, and
with the lattice constants a = 3.9296Aand c = 15.6732A. The observed large
diamagnetization signal and zero-resistance demonstrated the bulk
superconductivity. The broadening of resistive transition was measured under
different magnetic fields leading to the discovery of a rather high upper
critical field. The results also suggest a large vortex liquid region which
reflects high anisotropy of the system. The Hall effect measurements revealed
dominantly electron-like charge carriers in this material. The
superconductivity in the present system may be induced by oxygen deficiency or
the multiple valence states of vanadium.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure