Challenges of the Future: 14th eCAADe Conference Proceedings


There are many of us trying to make place for CAAD in a natural way in the Curriculum of the Architect school. We would like to make CAAD useful to the students already during their studies. Even if we have the support of our collegues for running courses there is very often no space in the timetable. And even if we have all the entusiasm of our students it is hard to practice your CAAD knowledge on projects where it is not asked for. The education of architects in the use of computers has lead me to try to find “the roots of education of architects” in general. A collegue of mine in a bookshelf of course litterature in Informatics found and put into my hands “Educating the reflective practitioner” by Donald Schon. It lead to an interesting process of personal reflection and discussion within our CAAD team. We think by the way that the theme of the conference points to the heart of the message in Donald Schons book and we are inviting him as a key note speaker at the Conference

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