Dreaming Big and Living Small: Examining Motivations and Satisfaction in Tiny House Living


The tiny house movement advocates for downsizing and a moving into smaller residences.1 While living in smaller homes is in no way novel, the roots of the current trend is somewhat contested as some attribute it to the “Back-to-the-Land” movement of the 1970’s or Thoreau’s plea to live simply and deliberately.1 In 2002, the first company dedicated to solely building tiny houses was founded and called Tumbleweed Tiny House Company.2 Jay Shafer, the owner of Tumbleweed, and several tiny house advocates joined together to create the Small House Society to serve as a community of like-minded individuals with information sharing and support.2 There are now numerous books, websites, blogs, conferences, companies, support groups, and more relating to tiny house living for those who are interested or currently live the lifestyle

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