
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Precision measurements of the absolute cosmic distance scale


BOSS, the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, is a 5-year program to measure the absolute cosmic distance scale and expansion rate with percent-level precision at redshifts z<0.7 and z~2.5. BOSS uses the "standard ruler" provided by baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). BOSS will achieve a near optimal measurement of the BAO scale at z<0.7, with a redshift survey of 1.5 million luminous galaxies. It will pioneer a new method of BAO measurement at high redshift, using the LyA forest to 160,000 QSOs in the redshift range 2.1<z<3.0. The forecast measurement precision for angular diameter distance d_A is 1.0%, 1.0%, and 1.5% at z=0.35, 0.6, and 2.5, respectively, and the forecast precision for the Hubble parameter H(z) is 1.8%, 1.7%, and 1.2% at the same redshifts. These measurements will provide powerful constraints on the nature of dark energy and the curvature of space, complementing the constraints obtained from other probes. BOSS will also provide a superb data set for studying large- and small-scale clustering, the evolution of massive galaxies and the luminosity function and clustering of QSOs at 2.3 < z < 6.5. BOSS is one of four surveys that comprise SDSS-III (the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III), a 6-year program that will use highly multiplexed spectrographs on the 2.5-m Sloan Foundation Telescope to investigate cosmological parameters, the history and structure of the Milky Way galaxy, and the population of giant planet systems.Comment: Unpublished SDSS-III white paper for the US Decadal Survey. See for details of the international SDSS-III projec

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