
Communication-optimal Parallel and Sequential Cholesky Decomposition


Numerical algorithms have two kinds of costs: arithmetic and communication, by which we mean either moving data between levels of a memory hierarchy (in the sequential case) or over a network connecting processors (in the parallel case). Communication costs often dominate arithmetic costs, so it is of interest to design algorithms minimizing communication. In this paper we first extend known lower bounds on the communication cost (both for bandwidth and for latency) of conventional (O(n^3)) matrix multiplication to Cholesky factorization, which is used for solving dense symmetric positive definite linear systems. Second, we compare the costs of various Cholesky decomposition implementations to these lower bounds and identify the algorithms and data structures that attain them. In the sequential case, we consider both the two-level and hierarchical memory models. Combined with prior results in [13, 14, 15], this gives a set of communication-optimal algorithms for O(n^3) implementations of the three basic factorizations of dense linear algebra: LU with pivoting, QR and Cholesky. But it goes beyond this prior work on sequential LU by optimizing communication for any number of levels of memory hierarchy.Comment: 29 pages, 2 tables, 6 figure

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