Advancement of a Soil Parameters Geodatabase for the Modeling Assessment of Conservation Practice Outcomes in the United States


US-ModSoilParms-TEMPLE is a database composed of a set of geographic databases functionally storing soil-spatial units and soil hydraulic, physical, and chemical parameters for three agriculture management simulation models, SWAT, APEX, and ALMANAC. This paper introduces the updated US-ModSoilParms-TEMPLE, which covers the entire United States and is organized as a framework of 22 nested and hydrologically-ordered regional geographic databases with internal spatial segmentation drainage-defined at a conveniently manageable tile (Watershed Boundary Dataset’s, WBD, 8-digit Subbasin) level. Spatial features are stored in multiple formats (raster and vector) and resolutions (10-meter and 30-meter), while being in direct relationship with the table of attributes storing the models’ parameters. A significant number of former parameter voids, determined by the local incompleteness of the source datasets, were filled using a methodology leveraging upon the hierarchy of the Soil Taxonomy information and the geographic location of the gaps. The functionality of each geographic database was extended by adding customized tools, which streamline the incorporation into geoprocessing workflows, the aggregation and extraction of data sets, and finally the export to other model support software user environments. These tools are attached and conveniently distributed along with detailed metadata documentation within each of the developed regional geographic databases. The system hosting this framework is developed using a proprietary software format (ESRI® File Geodatabase), however, a companion version of the framework of 8-digit tiles is also developed and provided using openly accessible formats. The experience shared in this paper might help other efforts in developing hydrology-oriented geographical databases

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